Protecting Valuable Cultural Assets - BRAWA Workshop

On January 29/30, 2023, the Institute of Fire Services in Muenster is hosting a workshop on the BRAWA project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). The main focus is on protecting cultural assets from fires by early fire detection using a newly developed warning app. The workshop is aimed in particular at planners, architects and fire protection experts for historic buildings. Dr. Jörg Kelleter represents GTE as one of the project partners. He will provide specialized insights into sensor technology, algorithms and data processing. The event is free of charge and includes keynote speeches, group work and plenty of time for exchange and networking between participants. The knowledge gained from the BRAWA project and the workshop will be incorporated into the vfdb guideline "Fire protection in listed buildings" published by the Association for the Promotion of German Fire Protection. Interested parties are cordially invited to contact:
